A Range of Audio Stories
Over the years, The Drum published special audio literary projects beyond our weekly short fiction and essays. MuseFlash with Grub Street's Muse and the Marketplace conference, Zip-Code Stories with WBUR, Stories on the Street, and recorded live events with the Boston Book Festival and Grub Street were just some of the additional programs we created. You can find them here on our archive site.
Submissions Are Closed
Submissions to The Drum are closed once and for all as we move on to other projects.
For Past Contributors
We are grateful to all our contributors for sending us their work over the years. Note that while your work for The Dru will remain in our archive here, you, as always, hold the rights to the text and to any future audio you choose to record.
The Drum on WBUR

Almost everything you ever wanted to know about The Drum, in an interview for WBUR's Radio Boston program. Hear Jennifer Haigh and Henriette Lazaridis Power speak with Sacha Pfeiffer about how audio enriches the experience of literature, and listen for clips of Haigh, Shubha Sunder, and the readers of our first Stories on the Streets piece.
Crossing the Line: A Reading Co-Sponsored by The Drum Literary Magazine and the Boston Book Festival
Join us for tales of law-breaking, rule-bending, and genre-busting. The event will feature bestselling/award-winning authors Matt Bell, Jenna Blum, Christopher Castellani, and Marie Myung-Ok Lee. There will be a short, fun (anonymous?) transgression-oriented questionnaire - best answer wins a free drink!
Where: Storyville, 90 Exeter St. Boston, MA
When: Friday, March 8th 6 - 7:45 p.m.
Free Admission. Cash Bar and Food
Hosted by Dawn Tripp & Henriette Lazaridis Power

Ten Boston authors got together with The Drum to create flash-fiction pieces set during the Boston Book Festival. Characters include a Globe reporter covering the BBF, a teen whose mother is a best-selling author, a homeless young man who loves poetry, and many others. Download the Moveable Feast app for iPhone and iPad, tap "take a tour" and look for the tours with the Boston Book Festival logo. You can listen to the story read by the author, or read the text. And it's all free!
The Drum is looking for some friendly folks to help with our audio project at the Boston Book Festival. The project is called BOOKS, ACTUALLY, and it's a collection of audio flash fiction pieces set during the Festival, written by a bunch of local writers and Drum contributors. Festival-goers can use their smartphones to listen to the stories that are geotagged to specific locations around the BBF area. What's a volunteer's job? To sport a handsome Drum t-shirt while telling people about the stories and showing them how to download the app and listen to the audio. If you're interested in taking a shift on October 27th, email Henriette Power at
LOUNGE LIT: Transgressions New Date! July 19
Take a walk on the wild side. Sounds like Lou Reed knew about our fourth Lounge Lit event when he wrote those lyrics. Join local writers Dawn Tripp, Chris Abouzeid, Chris Castellani, Holly LeCraw, Ethan Gilsdorf, and Drum founding editor Henriette Lazaridis Power as they read their short essays and stories about transgression. Law-breaking, rule-bending, convention-busting, paradigm-shifting. They'll do it all. And we decree that the statute of limitations has expired on any story these writers tell! WBUR's Adam Ragusea will host the event. Lounge Lit is co-sponsored by The Drum, the Boston Book Festival, and WBUR. The Transgressions event takes place from 6pm-8pm at the Middlesex Lounge at 315 Massachusetts Ave. in Cambridge, MA. Tickets are on sale now and are just $20 in advance ($25 at the door): reserve your spot today! Click here for more information.
The Drum's PerambuLit on All Things Considered

WBUR correspondent Sacha Pfeiffer interviews Drum editor Henriette Lazaridis Power and Drum contributor Ethan Gilsdorf about PerambuLit, the create-your-own-adventure story they co-wrote along with Jenna Blum, Daphne Kalotay, Matthew Pearl, Catherine Elcik, Becky Tuch, and Steven Brykman, almost all of whom have contributed to The Drum as well. PerambuLit was put together for the 2011 Boston Book Festival with the tremendous help of Matthew Doyle and the whole team at Broadcastr.
Read the transcript and/or hear the audio here.
The Drum's PerambuLit in the Boston Herald
An October 15, 2011 article about new technologies in publishing and at the Boston Book Festival cites The Drum and PerambuLit as one of the "rainbow of options" for festival-goers.
The Drum on Fox 25's Things To Do
Before the weekend of the Boston Book Festival, The Drum gets some visibility thanks to our cool logo [at 2:32 into the video]. The Drum is the official literary magazine of the Boston Book Festival.
The Drum Presents PERAMBULIT for the Boston Book Festival
If you're attending the Boston Book Festival on October 15, 2011 (and why wouldn't you be?), get ready to do some walking. Working with Broadcastr, and with Broadcastr's inimitable Matthew Doyle, The Drum has brought together a group of established and up-and-coming Boston-based writers to produce PerambuLit, a Create-Your-Own-Adventure story for the Boston Book Festival.
PerambuLit is an audio story that lets festival-goers experience a fictional narrative both by listening to it as they walk along its various routes. As you walk around Back Bay, you'll hear Ethan Gilsdorf, Jenna Blum, Daphne Kalotay, Matthew Pearl, Steven Brykman, Catherine Elcik, Becky Tuch, and Henriette Lazaridis Power reading the story segments they've created especially for the Boston Book Festival's Copley Square location.
To learn more about this exciting audio-narrative project, click here. To learn about Broadcastr, the platform for sharing location-based audio--and the people who've made PerambuLit possible, visit their website here.
Announcing the Winner of The 2011 Drum/Side B Dual Publication Award
Caralyn Davis is the Winner of the 2011 Drum/Side B Dual Publication Award for her short story "Wallow". Randy Ross is the Finalist for his flash-fiction piece "One Day in Thailand". Hear them read their work here, and read the work in print in Side B Magazine's current issue.
Selections from the Young Adult Writers' Program
For September 2011, the beginning of the school year, we're featuring three writers from Grub Street's Young Adult Writers' Program. Hau Nguyen, Ally Engelberg, and Molly Zimetbaum participated in YAWP over the previous academic year, and we are delighted to be giving the work of these talented young writers a new audience. For more information on YAWP, click here.
Drum Contributor Jenna Blum's Paperback Release

The paperback edition of Jenna Blum's second novel, The Stormchasers, will be released on April 26. You can pre-order the book here. Jenna recorded a chapter of The Stormchasers for The Drum in May 2010, just prior to the novel's publication.
Drum Contributor Jonathan Papernick's New Release

A new edition of Jonathan Papernick's collection of short stories The Ascent of Eli Israel with an introduction by Dara Horn will be published in May 2011.
Drum Contributor Randy Susan Meyers' Paperback Release

Randy Susan Meyers read a chapter from The Murderer's Daughters for The Drum back in May for our inaugural issue. The novel has just been released in paperback.
Reviews and Write-ups
Since we launched in May 2010, we've had some great write-ups on various blogs and websites. The two latest can be found at The Things They Read and The Rumpus.
On The Things They Read, Melanie Yarbrough likes what The Drum offers: "Rather than an attempt to reinvent the wheel of storytelling, The Drum is a platform that uses the accessibility of technology to promote stories and their authors rather than tear them down. The short story and its telling are very much alive at The Drum, and I look forward to see the work they continue to highlight."
The Rumpus' Seth Fischer says he's "selfishly thrilled to see a lit mag making [authors reading their own work aloud] a focus." He says Celeste Ng's "Trick" "blew [him] away.
Older reviews and promos:
Special Programs
Zip-Code Stories

The Drum Literary Magazine and WBUR's Radio Boston are joining forces to bring you Zip-Code Stories, where listeners share their own stories about the neighborhoods that make Greater Boston unique. Zip-Code Stories invites WBUR's listeners to do the talking. Each month, we'll name four zipcodes and we'll invite listeners to submit their own stories about those zipcodes. You'll be able to upload your audio straight onto Broadcastr, and the best pieces will be included in The Drum's Broadcastr playlist. Each month, we'll be featuring one story on Radio Boston. Zip-Code Stories launched on Monday, August 8 2011 with a Daphne Kalotay's "Sunshine Cleaners," set in Brookline's 02246. Subsequent zip-code featured authors include Askold Melnyczuk (02139), Roland Merullo (02151), and Jennifer Haigh (02657). You can submit your work to Zip-Code Stories here. For information on other ways to submit, click here.
Announcing Lounge Lit and Zip-Code Stories

Tickets are on sale now and are just $20 in advance ($25 at the door): reserve your spot today!
Based on our project with Radio Boston series, we're bringing together Holly LeCraw, Steve Macone, Dawn Tripp, Marianne Leone, and Regie Gibson to read short stories inspired by Boston-area zip codes. The evening will be hosted by Drum editor Henriette Lazaridis Power, and Anthony Brooks, co-host of WBUR's Radio Boston.
Put your name on the map by reading your own 500-word Zip-Code Story during our open mic, or just take in tales from around our city (not to mention complimentary beer, wine, and apps).
The series, which supports the Boston Book Festival and The Drum, continues in March and April with more great events, also on sale now. Our special Lounge Lit package gets you tickets for all three for just $50.
Zip-Code Stories: Our February Pick

"Off the Map" by Lisa Rogers is our winner for February's round of Zip-Code Stories. Zip-Code Stories is a collaboration between The Drum and WBUR's Radio Boston. Each month, we'll name four zip codes from the Greater Boston area and we'll ask you to send in your 500-word stories (fiction or non-fiction) about one of those zip codes. To read more about Zip-Code Stories, visit our page on WBUR's website. And to hear the four short stories we collected when we launched the program this past August, click here. The zip codes for this round were 01930, 02301, 02131, and 02482.
For the next round, we're opening things up. Send us your 500-word story about any zip code you have something to say about--fiction or non-fiction. Send your Zip-Code Story in by March 15th, or record it straight onto Broadcastr so we can add it to The Drum's playlist. Submission guidelines are here.
Zip-Code Stories: Our October Picks

Pushcart Prize Nominees
The Drum's 2013 Pushcart Prize Nominees
We are delighted to nominate the following works from among the more than four dozen short stories and essays we published in 2013.
"What Matters," by Lisa Duffy (Issue 34)
"The Fish," by Steve Adams (Issue 34)
"Sanctuary," by Aine Greaney (Issue 35)
We are printing these stories here in a special collection, but you can listen to their authors read them aloud by clicking on the relevant links.